Puratana Aakasha-Yantrika Nirmana Sadhanavasthu (Ancient Aero-mechanical manufacturing materials)


Aerospace materials of ancient ancestors are more highly advanced than compared to that of modern. This paper introduces modern day rediscoveries and Reinventions from Vimana shasthra. Our team SWASTIK (Scientific Works on Advanced Space Technology Investigators for Knowledge) is group of researchers working on ancient science and technology. Our team's works on different types of ancient materials properties for advanced space radiation, Raja Loha, A high-heat-absorbing alloy used for the bodies of various flying crafts, preparation, properties of each material in its compositions, and our research works on food, clothing of ancient astronauts and Materials for propulsion like sun crystal, Electromagnets reveal that it results in an advanced interplanetary aerospace materials and are deciphered by our team SWASTIK.


Ancient Ancestors
Aerospace Materials
Radiation Resisting
Sun Crystal