Störung Zurzeit besteht eine Störung bei der Anmeldung an eCampus. Wir arbeiten an der Behebung des Problems.

About this agreement

eCampus is the central e-learning platform of the University of Bonn. It is designed to ease collaboration in teaching and research and to provide supporting electronic options. The underlying software is the open-source system ILIAS (

The platform is operated by the University and State Library. The technical implementation is carried out by the University Computer Centre (Hochschulrechenzentrum) of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn. Accordingly, the use of eCampus is subject to the general terms of use of the University Computer Centre, which supplement this user agreement:

The operators of eCampus reserve the right to change this user agreement at any time. In this case, you will be asked to accept the agreement again after logging in and/or will be informed of the changes in writing. The changes will come into effect upon publication.

The acceptance of this user agreement can be subsequently revoked by the user at any time vis-à-vis the operators. No further use of eCampus is possible until the agreement has been accepted again.

Rights of use

All members of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn are authorised to use eCampus for university purposes. Admission to individual courses is the responsibility of the respective lecturer.

The personal Uni-ID of the University Computer Centre is required for registration. The rights of use are not transferable. The use of functional group accounts is not permitted. The operators reserve the right to remove these at any time. In the event of misuse, the registered user of the Uni-ID is liable.

In the event of violations of this user agreement, the user may be excluded from further use of eCampus. The authorisation to use the system ends when the user ceases to be a member of the university. Any personal data still required must be backed up beforehand.

Linking BASIS and eCampus

The creation of courses within eCampus is done via BASIS for all courses in the course catalogue. BASIS is the leading system. Data is only transferred from BASIS to eCampus, there is no data transfer from eCampus to BASIS. All changes made in eCampus to the title, description or BASIS metatags of the course are reset when changes are made to the course via BASIS, as long as the synchronisation of a course is switched on. Course members added manually via eCampus remain unaffected.

A course membership in eCampus does not necessarily entitle the holder to participate in a course, to take an examination or to receive module points. Only the admission in BASIS or authorisation according to the corresponding regulations of the study programme or the implementing institution are decisive. The respective lecturers are responsible for the membership administration of the courses.

Content and copyrights

The content posted on eCampus is the responsibility of the user entering it. Use is restricted to academic and university purposes. The system may not be misused for advertising.

The valid legal regulations, in particular those of the Federal Republic of Germany, must be observed. In particular, no materials or texts may be posted that violate applicable law or that are protected by copyright, trademark or patent rights and for whose publication on eCampus the necessary permission has not been granted. The law on copyright and related rights applies. In the event of infringements, the person under whose user ID the content was posted shall be liable, provided that they posted the content themselves or passed on their access data knowingly or negligently.

The copyrights of the content remain with the respective authors. Users are entitled to view, save and print information from eCampus for personal use, provided they have legal access to it via the eCampus user interface. The use of excerpts of materials from eCampus in seminar papers, diploma theses, master's theses, bachelor's theses and master's theses are permitted in accordance with academic citation rules. However, this does not apply to opinions expressed by individuals in chat rooms, forums, internal mails, etc. or to information on course memberships or other personal data. Commercial use of the posted content is not permitted.

Data protection

The automatic storage of personal data (University ID, first name, last name, title, gender, institution, department, official telephone number, e-mail address) is exclusively for the purpose of identifying the user and communicating with them. They are transferred by the user administration of the HRZ.

First name, surname and university ID are displayed to other eCampus users in the case of membership in courses, forum contributions, etc.. Further details as well as their publication are voluntary and are the responsibility of the individual user. Beyond this, no personal data will be passed on to third parties.

After the termination of the right to use an account and removal of the record from the user administration of the HRZ, the respective profile will be removed from eCampus.

The operator reserves the right to write to all users or selected groups regarding eCampus-specific messages and information. They have the right to store automatic log data for a limited period of time in order to fulfil their duties, which may allow conclusions to be drawn about individual user behaviour. In addition, the operator has the right to permanently store and evaluate anonymised data on user behaviour in order to plan and optimise the eCampus service.

Warranty and liability

The operator reserves the right to change or restrict the eCampus services at any time and without prior notice. The respective course administrators are responsible for the content in the individual courses. No responsibility is taken for the topicality, completeness and correctness of the information provided.

The use of the eCampus system and the materials obtained from it is at the user's own risk. Compatibility with different systems cannot be guaranteed. Downloaded files must be checked by the user for malware. The operator assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of the platform.

The eCampus system is intended to be available at all times. Planned maintenance-related outages will be announced in advance. The operator endeavours to remedy technical faults promptly in accordance with the available operational possibilities. No liability is accepted for damage caused by system failures.